Risky drinking even riskier for women

A concerning number of Australian women are drinking at dangerous levels despite knowing that it is likely to be causing them harm, warn Flinders University researchers. […]

Alcohol-related absenteeism costs Australian businesses up to $2 billion a year, health authorities are also noticing rises in prescribed opioid addition and methamphetamine use. Photo: iStock

Boomer ‘risky’ drinking habits rise

More older Australians are drinking at “risky levels” as the Baby Boomer generation ages, Flinders researchers warn. The rise in problem drinking is coming up against […]

Pressure builds on young tradies

Apprentices in the construction industry are a high risk group for alcohol and other drug-related harm. They were also found to be at high risk of […]

Bongs, booze and baby boomers

Western countries are sitting on a timebomb of health and social issues arising from drug and alcohol overuse among baby boomers – the generation that won’t […]

Australia’s soaring $3bn hangover bill

The cost to Australia’s economy of alcohol and other drug related (AOD) absenteeism has soared from $1.2bn in 2001 to more than $3bn, according to Flinders analysis being published today.