International student tops new awards

Elysia Low, a Malaysian student in her final year of Nutrition and Dietetics at Flinders University, has been presented with the inaugural Governor’s International Student Award.

Lizard biologist scales the heights

Flinders University herpetologist Professor Michael Bull has been named as one of four finalists for the title of Scientist of the Year in the 2011 South Australian Science Excellence Awards.

How millions make a new home

The circumstances that attend migration are myriad, but Flinders academics Associate Professor Diana Glenn and Dr Eric Bouvet, editors of a new book, say that all migrants, voluntary or otherwise, share a sense of dislocation that is far more than physical.

Policing the police

The complex and often turbulent relationship between police commissioners and the governments in which they serve is the main focus of an upcoming public lecture hosted by Flinders University.

Peers honour Professor Faith Trent

Emeritus Professor Faith Trent AM FACE, who retired as Executive Dean of the Faculty of Education, Humanities and Law at the end of 2010, is the inaugural recipient of the Outstanding Service Award made by the Australasian Council of the Deans of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (DASSH).

Robot brings 3D to study of joints

A new robot developed by Flinders University engineers is poised to revolutionise the way we study the performance of normal and diseased joints and their artificial replacements by simulating joint motion.