Tall Poppy helping people cope with cancer

Effective cancer care needs more than medical treatments and should incorporate evidence-based psycho-social interventions, says 2017 South Australian Tall Poppy of Science Dr Lisa Beatty. With […]

A busy bee behind the lens

They’re small and furry with a sting in their tail but look truly magnificent enlarged by a camera. So much so, dramatic native bee photos by […]

Flinders Program reaches out across the globe

From Hong Kong and Mexico to remote Aboriginal, Maori and Pacific communities, Flinders University’s chronic condition self-management programs are making strong inroads. The Flinders Program is being used […]

Fibre optics from the rooftops

Fibre optic cables installed to the Flinders at Tonsley roof and a University building in China are conducting a novel kind of experiment. It has nothing to do with NBN […]

High-tech solutions from hoverflies

Hoverflies are under the microscope to better understand their behaviour and role in agriculture, including for pollination and the biological control of insect pests. Their remarkable motion […]