Shoe phone offers medical device potential

Maxwell Smart, the bumbling comic spy in the 1960s television series Get Smart, frequently used his ‘shoe phone’ to report his latest predicament to The Chief at CONTROL. Now a Flinders University computer scientist has combined the latest telecommunications components to produce the real thing.

Strong demand for Flinders courses – a boon for community and industry

Flinders University has had a significant growth in demand for its engineering and computer science courses in 2009. More than 5000 prospective students will be offered a place in undergraduate and postgraduate courses at Flinders, representing an overall increase in application numbers of around 5 per cent over last year.

Local knowledge for students of Chinese law

A group of 20 Flinders University students enrolled in the Legal Studies topic Introduction to China’s Laws and Legal System will be studying on location – they will travel to Shanghai in January to undertake the course as a two-week intensive.

New head for Health Sciences

Professor Michael Kidd has been appointed Executive Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at Flinders University for a five-year term.

Flinders to strengthen southern links with grant

Flinders University’s ambition to expand tertiary education, contribute to the skills required in a changing regional economy and engage with the community has been boosted with a $3.25 million grant from the Federal Government.