AusAID students say “G’day” to Flinders

Flinders’ internationally renowned Introductory Academic Program (IAP) has a full house with the arrival of one of the University’s largest ever cohorts of AusAid-sponsored postgraduate students.

Bench to bedside research

A revolutionary medical breakthrough by researchers at Flinders University could pave the way to a cure for two debilitating autoimmune diseases.

Flinders course offers rise again

Demand has again increased for Flinders undergraduate degree courses, and in response a total of 5025 offers (up from 4777 offers in 2011) has been made to date, with further places remaining available.

Flinders way to paperless assignments

Flinders University is leading the development of a digital system to handle student assignments that will become an integral part of Moodle, a popular and successful learning management system used by universities worldwide.

Flinders Hall food beats the rest

Imagination and a can-do attitude have paid big dividends for the caterer of Flinders University’s Hall of Residence, Scolarest, which has won the 2012 national Restaurant and Catering Award in the Industrial/Institutional Caterer category.

International student tops new awards

Elysia Low, a Malaysian student in her final year of Nutrition and Dietetics at Flinders University, has been presented with the inaugural Governor’s International Student Award.