A novel take on an ancient crime
As a teenage exchange student in an isolated town in northern Iceland, Hannah Kent found the story of Agnes Magnusdottir, the last person executed in Iceland for murder, playing on her mind.
As a teenage exchange student in an isolated town in northern Iceland, Hannah Kent found the story of Agnes Magnusdottir, the last person executed in Iceland for murder, playing on her mind.
The long-running debate over what drove most of the world’s Ice Age megafauna to extinction has taken a dramatic turn with new research published in June in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.
You can convey a lot about climate change in 90 seconds, and a Flinders University competition is asking students in South Australia and the Northern Territory to do just that.
Eminent plant scientist Professor David Day has been appointed Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) at Flinders University.
Flinders University is playing a leading role with the Defence Science and Technology Organisation in helping the Australian Army develop the skills required to educate soldiers for increasingly diverse and complex operations.
Where is the best place for Master of Education students to learn how to support children having trouble with maths? In the classroom, of course.
Flinders University students have been working with Indigenous communities in Western Australia to uncover the archaeological history of important cultural sites with a view to developing plans for their management and conservation.
Finding the most efficient and sustainable solution to irrigating crops is more complicated than most people think.
The Appin murder mystery, the historical 18th century event at the centre of Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel Kidnapped, may have been solved 150 years ago by another great Scottish novelist.