Australia Council support for second novel

Flinders University creative writing lecturer Dr David Sornig won’t be around on campus next year; instead, he’s banishing himself to the metaphorical writer’s garret, thanks to a $25,000 Australia Council Emerging Writers Grant.

Flinders way to paperless assignments

Flinders University is leading the development of a digital system to handle student assignments that will become an integral part of Moodle, a popular and successful learning management system used by universities worldwide.

Flinders success in ARC grants

Flinders University researchers have achieved the University’s best result in the Australian Research Council’s (ARC) Future Fellowships and Discovery Early Career Researcher Awards, winning $2.6 million for five research projects.

Flinders phone software goes global

A revolutionary software program which allows mobile phones to communicate when normal phone lines are down has earned Flinders University’s Dr Paul Gardner-Stephen a place in the finals of an international competition.

Flinders Hall food beats the rest

Imagination and a can-do attitude have paid big dividends for the caterer of Flinders University’s Hall of Residence, Scolarest, which has won the 2012 national Restaurant and Catering Award in the Industrial/Institutional Caterer category.