Saving our river land resources

Global geophysics experts are joining Flinders University in a major new groundwater project funded by the Australian Research Council. Water extraction, weir flow management and drought […]

Calls for better groundwater management

After Australia’s latest floodwaters subside, a study led by Flinders University has called for action on 18 challenges facing more sustainable use of vital groundwater, a […]

Cool way to keep streets green

Reports of tree canopy coverage dwindling in Australia’s suburbs is increasing pressure on local governments and other authorities to improve the health of urban street trees. […]

Why groundwater is a most precious resource

Groundwater is one of the world’s most precious resources. From the Murray-Darling system to Great Artesian Basin, ‘invisible’ underground groundwater is often the only water supply […]

New ways to improve wetlands

Ahead of World Water Day, new studies at Flinders University provide valuable insights into removing toxins from polluted waterways and improving infiltration at urban wetlands. One […]

Fresh concerns for wetlands

New research led by Flinders University is renewing calls to protect the source of water and aquifers supporting the ecologically significant Doongmabulla Springs Complex in central […]

Take care of precious seasonal water flow

As winter approaches, international hydrologists have issued a timely reminder about building on intermittent or seasonal non-perennial rivers and streams. Dry for most of the year, […]