Destination Flinders welcomed
Flinders Rail Station is set to become a reality after an announcement by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull at Flinders at Tonsley today.
Flinders Rail Station is set to become a reality after an announcement by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull at Flinders at Tonsley today.
Pelicans and marine tile artwork will form part of a 14-year tradition of Indigenous students marking the start of their journey at Flinders University.
Flinders University Vice-Chancellor Colin Stirling says he’s disappointed that the Federal government has chosen to withdraw funding for a possible high-level research collaboration with the Copenhagen Consensus Centre.
Flinders University has made substantial improvement in a prestigious international assessment. The latest Time Higher Education rankings of the world’s top universities has seen Flinders University move from outside the top 400, to the 251 to 300 bracket. Vice-Chancellor Professor Colin Stirling says the improvement reflects both a change in ranking methodology and hard work by the University.
Flinders University is hosting more than 100 senior academic staff from across Australia today and tomorrow (Thursday 24th and Friday 25th September) at the annual Deans of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (DASSH) Conference.
The acclaimed early intervention program for autistic children will expand with the opening of the new Inclusive Directions Flinders Therapy House at St Marys this week.
Flinders mechanical engineer graduate Henry Nielsen is building his career on campus as part of the $63 million student hub and plaza construction team.
The recent discovery that the Ebola virus can live on in a patient’s eyeballs long after they’re “cured” made the world blink in horror – but did you know cat faeces and raw meat can similarly lodge nasties in the eyes?
Vice-Chancellor, Professor Colin Stirling, reveals in today’s Australian his transformation from stubborn Scottish teenager to internationally acclaimed geneticist, and the key career moments that led him to Australia and Flinders University.