Support for problem gaming interventions

Problematic gaming is a significant health issue worldwide, with Flinders University researcher Dr Daniel King saying the global prevalence is estimated to be about 2% and […]

Women’s business grows and grows

Imagine being excluded from school at 12, or not being able to afford sanitary products. Menstruation stigma affects millions around the world, with periods considered unclean […]

DV history raises elder abuse risk: study

Australian researchers have called for additional services for survivors of intimate partner violence – warning those who have these experiences are more vulnerable to elder abuse. […]

Focus on mindfulness specifically for women

Clarifying an understanding of mindfulness is the focus of a new book from Flinders University’s Dr Leigh Burrows that identifies specific mental health empowerment and increased […]

Student wellbeing program takes off

A South Australian school is expanding a research program seeking to reduce stress and anxiety among its students, where perfectionism, body image concerns, learning and workload […]

Putting gaming in the PE mix

Physical Education (PE) classes can take a lesson from video games, according to a few innovative Australian teachers bringing them together to reinvent the way that […]

Challenge to anorexia nervosa therapies

Experts are calling for more work to find better targeted treatments for anorexia nervosa, a global problem underpinning the highest mortality of any psychological condition A […]