Child’s play lost in pandemic fear

Social and community disruptions caused by the COVID-19 restrictions could have a lasting effect on child wellbeing, Flinders University researchers warn. While health, safety and education […]

Unmasking new solutions for sleep apnoea

Nearly 1 billion people globally, including 1 million Australians, have obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) and more targeted treatments are ‘urgently needed’ to reduce the costs and […]

All pumped up for new-age rubber

Imagine a self-repairing rubber, or super-adhesive made entirely from waste materials. It sounds like science fiction or a scene from The Terminator, but researchers have discovered […]

Rise of the Gig worker

Work – a combination of people, purpose and place – is experiencing a revolution with the aspect of ‘place’ considered very differently in the era of […]

Pandemic highlights e-health issues

Misinformation and mistrust of Australia’s COVIDSafe app underlines the need for standards to scope, develop, assess and roll out e-health services, Flinders University digital health experts […]