Flinders University is one of only three South Australian organisations to be named as an Employer of Choice for Women by the Federal Government’s Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency (EOWA).
To qualify for the citation, organisations across Australian are assessed on a number of workplace issues including pay equity, women in executive management, flexibility, and training on sex-based harassment and career development. Only 125 were successful.
This is the 11th successive year that Flinders has received the citation – the scheme was introduced in 2001 and the University earned its first citation in the following year.
The 2012 list of Employers of Choice was announced on March 13 in Perth by the Director of EOWA, Ms Helen Conway.
“The leaders of the organisations on this list recognise there is a competitive advantage to be obtained by employing a diverse workforce,” Ms Conway said.
“They are attracting women into non-traditional roles where there are skills shortages, reaping the rewards of increased retention rates, and realising the benefits of flexible work practices.”
Flinders University Vice-Chancellor Professor Michael Barber said he was delighted by the University’s consistently strong showing as an equal opportunity employer.
“The citation reflects a sustained effort of planning and implementation by staff at all levels, and the University is reaping the benefits in terms of a highly talented workforce,” Professor Barber said.
Manager of Equal Opportunity and Diversity at Flinders, Ms Lisa O’Neill, said that a range of progressive employment policies and practices put in place by the University contributed to the renewal of the citation.
“The criteria are quite stringent, and the fact that Flinders has yet again received the award speaks for the continuing commitment of senior management to create a workplace that recognises, develops and advances its women employees,” Ms O’Neill said.
“An important requirement of this citation is that an organisation’s CEO is to be the driving force behind this supportive culture, and I would like to acknowledge Vice-Chancellor Michael Barber for his championship and congratulate him on this achievement.”