Flinders reveals lucrative seaweed industry
Scientists from Flinders University are on the path to discovering new super chemicals in seaweed.
Scientists from Flinders University are on the path to discovering new super chemicals in seaweed.
Victoria’s Smart Water Fund has enlisted Flinders University expertise in a move to reduce the carbon emissions and the power bills of the State’s water sector.
Flinders University researchers are developing a series of videos to help teachers avoid forming biases about their students based on first impressions.
A Flinders/AusAID program hopes to inspire reform to tackle the issue of violence against women across South-East Asia.
A popular school-based eating disorder prevention program created by researchers from Flinders University is set to become an iPhone app.
Flinders University’s Northern Territory Medical Program facility last month received the highest honour at the Australian Institute of Architects’ 2012 Northern Territory Architecture Awards.
The Governor-General, Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce, will visit today two collaborative medical research programs dedicated to fighting eye disease that involve Flinders University.
A new State Government scholarship for Indigenous medical students will enhance the care of Aboriginal people.
A group of migrant women is cooking up a storm of their own thanks to a food literacy program being run by Flinders University.