Flinders University recently hosted the inaugural, week-long meeting of the NCGRT’s International Scientific Advisory Committee, a committee established to review the Centre’s research programs and provide advice on an on-going basis.
The Committee comprises Emeritus Professor Ghislain de Marsily (University of Paris, France), Professor Edward Sudicky (University of Waterloo, Canada), Professor Peter Loucks (Cornell University, New York) and Dr Leonard Konikow (United States Geological Survey, Virginia).
“The Committee members are truly the masters and pioneers of groundwater in the world and to have the benefit of their knowledge and advice is simply fantastic,” NCGRT Director Professor Craig Simmons [pictured] said.
“We received very positive feedback on the direction of the Centre’s programs, the scientific novelty and international significance of the research, and of the leadership and ability of the group to conduct that research,” he said.
The Advisory Committee reviewed, and discussed, the five streams of the NCGRT’s research program which include:
- Addressing the critical shortage of knowledge of Australia’s sub-surface water systems with new field work and three dimensional geological models,
- Collaborating with physicists, engineers, mathematicians, chemists, geologists and remote sensing experts to develop new groundwater simulation tools,
- Developing techniques to understand the connectivity between surface water and groundwater,
- Building knowledge of the relationship between groundwater and vegetation and how this might be affected by climate change and low rainfall,
- Engaging with the community and using the new knowledge gained from the research programs to inform and explain decision-making in regard to groundwater.
“We’re told that a lot of people around the world are talking about the Centre. There is a strong international buzz about our work and programs which will put Australian groundwater research on the world map.”
Emeritus Professor de Marsily, Professor Sudicky and Professor Loucks also delivered seminars to packed audiences of students, academics and industry and government water specialists during their visit.